I Define ME had our first Mother daughter camp in April. The purpose for this camp was to build stronger relationships between the girls in our project and their mothers in order for the mothers to be able to support the girls better. This proved to be very exciting and special, as for some girls and parents it was the first time in a very long time that Mothers had actual time to spend with their daughters. Mothers and daughters actually had time to play together. Daughters for the first time got to hear what the struggles of their mothers were and this garnered a new perspective for them. Time was created for the girls and the mothers to just talk and have a conversation without the distractions of everyday life.
We also hosted 2 workshops in partnership with the Justice Desk on Human Rights in preparation for June 16. The participants were joined by the mentors on this camp. We explored what Rights are and how it affects us if these rights are not up held. WE looked at what rights are violated in communities, our schools and in our homes. We also identified what the issues are we want to address and who the duty bearers are. The girls were given time to prepare to do some research then we hosted the BIG Debate on the last evening, the mentors acted as advisors to the girls. On June 16 the girls will challenge these duty bearers publically.