by aCtIOnAiDFuNdRAisINg | Nov 18, 2019 | Newsletter
It can be particularly hard for womxn on low pay or in insecure work to report being harassed by senior colleagues or bosses, knowing their job may – wrongly these were a sentemens made by young on March during a young womens camp wich brought together young womxn...
by aCtIOnAiDFuNdRAisINg | Nov 18, 2019 | Newsletter
I Define ME had our first Mother daughter camp in April. The purpose for this camp was to build stronger relationships between the girls in our project and their mothers in order for the mothers to be able to support the girls better. This proved to be very exciting...
by aCtIOnAiDFuNdRAisINg | Nov 18, 2019 | Newsletter
The I define me project hosted a wilderness camp which was supported by ActionAid SA and Comic Relief the camp involved introducing a group of young womxn from different townships in Cape Town including Bonteheuwel, beacon valley Mitchells plain. The group was led by...
by aCtIOnAiDFuNdRAisINg | Nov 18, 2019 | Newsletter
womxn and girls have endured discrimination in most societies for thousands of years, even though they make up half the population. In the past, womxn were treated as property of their husbands or fathers – they could not own land, they could not vote or go to...
by aCtIOnAiDFuNdRAisINg | Nov 18, 2019 | Newsletter
Are black young womxn supposed to keep silent when their human rights are violated? Is the exploitation and manipulation of young black womxn in South Africa continuing? Where is the safe space in our communities and workplaces? Does the human rights apply to young...